Improving Early Childhood Character Education through Role Playing Methods Ages 3-4 Years at Play Group Aisyiyah Sang Surya Babadan Ponorogo

Siti Mustaqimah* -  , Indonesia
Hadi Cahyono -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Nurtina Irsad Rusdiani -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

DOI : 10.24269/jin.v9i1.8378

Because early childhood is the best time to develop character through role-playing, character development should begin as soon as possible. This research aimed to determine how the role-playing method in the Aisyiyah Sang Surya Play Group applies character education. This research used data analysis techniques from observations and field notes during the role-playing learning process. The method used was two-cycle classroom action research. The results of this research showed: first, role-playing activities with the theme of the work: Role-playing method for character education: (1) children patiently wait for their turn, (2) children do not fight, (3) children apologize when they make a mistake, (4) ) children obey the rules of the game, (5) children clean up their toys, and (6) children play together. Children's responsible character performance increased from initial data before the action by 37.5% to 56.8% at the end of Cycle 1 and 93.2% at the end of Cycle 2. Four aspects showed this responsible character: being willing to pick up play equipment without help, doing the task well, completing the assignment given by the teacher, and returning the play equipment to its place.
Role Playing Methods, Improving,Early Childhood Character Education
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Article Info
Submitted: 2023-12-05
Published: 2024-03-19
Section: Artikel
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