Factors Driving Sustainability of Food and Beverage Industries
DOI: 10.24269/ekuilibrium.v19i2.2024.pp162-171
This study has two objectives, namely compiling and analyzing vulnerability indexes of business unit, and analyzing key success variables for food and beverage industries after the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis tool used in this study is business vulnerability analysis. The vulnerability analysis is derived from the vulnerability index to the COVID-19 threat, which is collected from all aspect indicator values of MSMEs' vulnerability to the COVID-19 theeat. These values consist of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. The results of the study explain that food and beverage MSMEs are categorized into medium vulnerability to the threat of COVID-19, where sensitivity is the highest influence aspect as a determinant of the vulnerability level. Due in part to the high number of MSMEs that are sensitive to the threat of COVID-19 and lack the ability to adjust, there may have been a fall in sales and bankruptcy of food and beverage MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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