Pengembangan Becak Motor Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) sebagai Ikon Wisata di Kota Pematangsiantar

Tomri Pandu Siregar -  Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Indonesia
Fernandes Simangunsong* -  Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Indonesia

The study aims to analyze the Local Government Strategy in the development of Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) motorized rickshaw as a tourism icon, to find out and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Local Government Strategy in the development of Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) motorized rickshaw as a tourism icon, to find out and analyze efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors of the Local Government Strategy in the development of Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) motorized rickshaw as a tourism icon in Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra Province. The theory used as an analysis knife is to use the strategy theory of Hunger and Wheelen translated by Julianto Agung S which explains that in the Local Government Strategy seen in 4 (four) elements, namely environmental observation, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. The research method used is qualitative research with descriptive methods and inductive approaches, the data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of field research, it can be concluded that the Local Government Strategy in the development of Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) pedicabs has been running well, but in the process it still has to be carried out with seriousness and commitment from the local government of Pematangsiantar City. The Pematangsiantar City Government is expected to make a legal basis that makes BSA pedicabs a tourism icon in Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra Province.

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Article Info
Submitted: 2022-09-08
Published: 2025-02-20
Section: Articles
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