Pengembangan Collaborative Governance Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Eksistensi Wisata Lokal di Daerah Baosan Lor, Ngrayun
Collaborative governance is a partnership of government institutions for public services. A decision-making approach, collaborative governance, a series of joint activities in which partners mutually generate goals, strategies, share responsibilities and resources. Collaboration is also often said to cover all aspects of decision making, implementation to evaluation. Collaborative governance emphasizes all aspects that have an interest in the policy of making mutual agreements by sharing power. The policy that should be the main focus is to maximize the management of existing natural resources by exploiting and exploring maximally. Existence has an important role in the governance of a region. Especially local tourist areas. In an effort to improve the existence of local tourism, the community needs to collaborate with institutions that have the same vision and mission, in order to create or maintain the existence of local tourism in the region.
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