Collaborative Governance dalam Pengembangan Program Desa Wisata di Kota Batu
In an effort to improve the economy of the people in Batu City, the Batu City Government together with the Batu City Tourism Office are trying to develop villages in the Kota Batu area into tourist villages. This study aims to analyze collaborative governance in developing tourism village programs in Batu City. The method used is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. The village is expected to be able to manage village assets ranging from natural resources and human resources which can be utilized by conducting community empowerment through programs that can improve the village economy and the community economy. Through community empowerment that is packaged in the Tourism Village program, it is hoped that the village will be able to take advantage of the existing potentials as a form of the village's independence process in managing its potential. In addition, the Tourism Village was formed as a driving force for the economy of the village community to be more advanced and prosperous without leaving the identity and culture in the village. Thus, he hopes that the existence of this Tourism Village can really boost the economic level of the Batu City community.
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