Collaborative Governance dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Ghanjaran Desa Ketanpanrame Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto
This study aims to examine the scope of collaborative governance in the development of the Ghanjaran Park, Ketapanrame Village, Mojokerto Regency. In this study, it is hoped that it can help develop the Ghanjaran Park tourist area in the increasingly rapid tourism competition in Indonesia, especially in Mojokerto Regency. This type of research is qualitative descriptive with a literature study approach that uses secondary data sources, namely, previous research sources, news, the official website of the Mojokerto regency government. The data collection technique with a literature study approach is to examine and collect various sources. The data analysis technique in this study uses collaborative governance theory according to Ansell & Gash, (2007). Collaboration formed in the development of Ghanjaran Park tourism by various actors such as the village government, BUMDes, KUB and the community. The Collaborative Governance process in developing the Ghanjaran Park tourist area has not been optimally implemented, because the people who receive the benefits of this Park are still around 30% and around 70% of the community have not received the benefits, but the Ketapanrame village government continues to strive so that the goal of alleviating poverty can be achieved.
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