Does Foreign Debt have an Impact on Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves?
DOI: 10.24269/ekuilibrium.v16i1.2021.pp85-93
Indonesia as one of the emerging market countries’ utilization of external resources of foreign debt to a boost in increasing economic growth in addition to international trade that supports accelerated growth Economy. Using time-series data of the period 1988-2017 and using the simultaneous approach of Two-Stage Least Square (TSLS), the research results find out and showed that the foreign debt and reserves have a two-way relationship. The study findings that macroeconomic variables of significant investment affect foreign debt and consumption expenditures significantly affect foreign exchange reserves. It as a basic contributor to monetary policymaking by the government in reducing foreign debt by utilizing investment in sustainable economic development and improving the performance of international trade net exports as well as public consumption expenditures thus supporting the acceleration in increasing foreign exchange reserves.
Debt; GDP; Investment; Net Exports; Reserves
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