Discriminant Study with Classification of Underdeveloped and Developing City Districts in West Papua Province
DOI: 10.24269/ekuilibrium.v15i2.2020.pp103-117
This study aims to determine whether there are clear differences between groups on the dependent variable. This analysis uses the independent variable Life Expectancy (X1), Number of Health Facilities (Puskesmas) (X2), Number of Facilities (Supporting Puskesmas) (X3), Polindes Facilities (X4), percentage of households that do not use electricity (X5). The dependent variable is the regencies / cities lagging behind and developing in West Papua. The research sample uses secondary data, which are the results of the 2017 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) conducted by the West Papua Statistics Agency (BPS). The discriminatory method is to test the difference between the stipulation of disadvantaged districts / cities and the stipulation of a Presidential Decree. 131 of 2015, concerning disadvantaged districts / cities in West Papua with normality test data. The object applied is all districts / cities in West Papua. Discriminant analysis can separate lagging and developing districts / cities in West Papua province by calculating function scores by comparing with interrupted scores, the results of the study are 5 districts / cities classified as disadvantaged districts and 6 districts / cities classified as developing districts/city. the influencing factor is facilities (village polyclinic) and the percentage of households that do not use electricity with a percentage decision 100%, theoretical evidence that the five variables prove that the discriminant analysis method shows the same results as the results issued by the Presidential Decree. 131 of 2015 with the percentage of decisions is 100%.
Multivariate Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Discriminant Score
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