Analisis Framing Model Robert N. Entman Terkait Pemberitaan Polemik Pengajuan Reog Sebagai Warisan Budaya Tak Benda UNESCO pada Media Online dan

Iin Savitri -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Krisna Megantari* -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Pinaryo Pinaryo -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

Online media play an active role in the delivery and dissemination of information through the news it contains.  How the news is presented is very dependent on how the media or journalists interpret the existing reality.  This study aims to find out how the media and in packaging or  constructing the reality related to the polemic of the submission of Reog as a UNESCO intangible cultural  heritage. This type of research uses Robert N. Entman's framing analysis model with a descriptive qualitative  approach through four elements of framing analysis, namely define problems (identify problems), diagnose  causes (cause of problems), make moral judgments (moral judgments), and treatment recommendations  (solutions). problem). The results of this study show the different points of view of and in packaging issues related to the polemic of the submission of Reog as a UNESCO  intangible cultural heritage. interprets that Reog needs urgent protection so that the  submission of Reog as a world cultural heritage through UNESCO is very necessary by highlighting the facts  about the urgency of Reog in the reports it contains. Meanwhile, interprets that the  submission of Reog to UNESCO is still not necessary because the internal side is not yet fully prepared by  highlighting the facts about the consequences that will be received when Reog passes as a world cultural  heritage through UNESCO in the news it contains.

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Article Info
Submitted: 2022-09-08
Published: 2025-02-24
Section: Articles
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