Cut Yuniwati* -  Poltekes Aceh, Indonesia

DOI : 10.24269/ijhs.v3i1.1611

Sectio Caesarea is surgery to give a birth of a fetus through the abdominal wall. This surgery has an impact on the pain that is caused by the incision. Pain management ncluding the usagenon-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches. Onenon-pharmacological approaches are breathing in relaxation techniques and foot-hand massage techniques. The purpose of this study was to look at the effectiveness of breathing relaxation and foot and hand massage techniques for postpartum caesarean delivery in Langsa Hospital in 2018. The designs used in this study were quasi-experimental, pre-test and post-test designs Tests used in bivariate analysis with statistical tests Paired sample t-test and t-test Independent. The results of the Statistical Test using the Independent T-test obtained an effective Foot And Hand Massage technique for reducing pain intensity with a P value of 0,000. Foot and hand massage techniques can promote blood circulation, reduce pain, reduce the number of drugs and side effects. Hand and foot massage techniques are cheaper, low risk, and easy to apply.



Sectio Caesarea (SC) merupakan tindakan pembedahan sebagai upaya lahirnya janin melalui dinding abdomen. Tindakan pembedahan berdampak terhadap munculnya rasa nyeri akibat irisan. Penatalaksanaan nyeri diantaranya menggunakan pendekatan farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Salah satu pendekatan non farmakologis adalah teknik relaksasi nafas dan foot and hand massage. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat efektifitas teknik relaksasi pernapasan dan foot and hand massage pada ibu pasca salin section caesarea di RSUD Langsa Tahun 2018. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi eksperimen, pre-test and post-test desain. Uji yang digunakan pada analisis bivariat dengan uji statistic Paired sample t-test dan uji T-Independent. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil Uji Statistik mengunakan Uji Independen T-test didapatkan teknik foot and hand massage efektif untuk pengurangan intensitas nyeri dengan nilai P value 0,000. Teknik pijat kaki dan tangan dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, mengurangi rasa sakit, mengurangi jumlah obat dan efek samping. Teknik foot and hand massage lebih   murah, berisiko rendah, dan mudah diterapkan.

Relaksasi Pernapasan Foot And Hand Massage Sectio Caesarea
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Article Info
Submitted: 2019-03-05
Published: 2019-03-28
Section: Artikel
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