Andi Bahtiar Semma* -  IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia

DOI : 10.24269/mtkind.v15i2.3964


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kajian pengambilan gambar panorama virtual reality dengan smartphone sekaligus memberikan hasil uji gambar yang diambil menggunakan sensor kamera yang umum digunakan dipasaran yaitu Sony, Samsung dan OmniVision. Pengujian dilakukan dengan lima atribut pengujian yaitu: Tone reproduction, Color Reproduction, Seamlessness, Noise Level dan Detail. Intrumen pengujian yang digunakan adalah Aplikasi QIVET. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana hasil evaluasi gambar yang dihasilkan masing-masing sensor.


This study aims to provide an analysis of taking panoramic virtual reality images with smartphones while at the same time giving test results of pictures taken using camera sensors commonly used in the market, namely Sony, Samsung, and OmniVision. The test is carried out with five test attributes: Tone reproduction, Color Reproduction, Seamlessness, Noise Level, and Detail. The test instrument used is the QIVET application. The study results show how the results of the evaluation of the images produced by each sensor are


Virtual reality, foto panorama, sensor kamera smartphone
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Article Info
Submitted: 2021-06-25
Published: 2022-01-19
Section: Artikel
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