DOI : 10.24269/muaddib.v8i1.1052
This study aims to provide an overview of the application of EDS as an effort to improve the quality
of primary schools. This research was conducted in Ponorogo District with elementary school
research object and elementary school operator in UPTD Jenangan District and UPTD Pulung
District. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques
used are (1) interview, (2) observation, and (3) documentation. The data analysis used is a
qualitative technique, namely to examine the problem on a case by case basis because the researcher believes that the nature of a problem one will be different from the nature of the other problem.The results showed that school self-evaluation became an alternative for schools to improve school
quality. With school self-evaluation, school strengths and weaknesses are known. Furthermore,
with the school self-evaluation, will be known position of school accreditation.
of primary schools. This research was conducted in Ponorogo District with elementary school
research object and elementary school operator in UPTD Jenangan District and UPTD Pulung
District. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques
used are (1) interview, (2) observation, and (3) documentation. The data analysis used is a
qualitative technique, namely to examine the problem on a case by case basis because the researcher believes that the nature of a problem one will be different from the nature of the other problem.The results showed that school self-evaluation became an alternative for schools to improve school
quality. With school self-evaluation, school strengths and weaknesses are known. Furthermore,
with the school self-evaluation, will be known position of school accreditation.
School Self Evaluation, Improvement, School Quality
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