Journal History

AL-ASASIYYA: Journal of Basic of Education, First Published in 2016, with Issue Number No.1 Vol.1 July-December 2016. The composition of AL-ASASIYYA: Journal of Basic Education board of directors, namely:

Penanggungjawab: Dekan FAI UNMUH Ponorogo

Ketua Penyunting: Katni, M.Pd.I

Wakil Ketua Penyunting: Wahyudi Setiawan, M.Pd.I

Experienced changes in the composition of the journal management at Vol.02, No.02, Januari-June 2018, board director namely:

Editor in Chief: Katni, M.Pd.I

Editorial Board: Dr. Wahyudi Setiawan, M.Pd.I and Sigit Dwi Laksana, M.Pd.I

Journal Manager: Aldo Redho Syam, M.Pd.I

Copyeditor: Ayok Ariyanto, M.Pd.I

Experienced changes in the composition of the journal management at Vol.05, No.02, Januari-June 2018, board director namely:

Editor in Chief: Ayok Ariyanto, M.Pd.I

Editor in Board: Katni, M.Pd.I.; Nurul Abidin, M.Ed.; Sigit Dwi Laksana, M.Pd.I.; Dr. Wahyudi Setiawan, M.Pd.I.

Journal Manager: Aldo Redho Syam, M.Pd.I.

Copy Editor: Lilis Sumaryanti, M.Pd.